Kage Hime

Kage Hime

The story follows Niimi Soichiro, a third-year art college student, who is dedicated to creating sculptures of beautiful breasts and seeking the ultimate beauty. One night, he is attacked by a yokai and meets Kagehime, a Shadow Princess who fights yokai. In order for Kagehime to operate in the human world, she needs a physical body, and Soichiro agrees to create one for her.
The series combines elements of comedy, fantasy, and action, with unique partnership between the eccentric art student and the adorable yokai.

Kage Hime

-Chương 1+
Ủng hộ: Paypal

Theo dõi 0


Lượt xem: 891

Thể loại: Action, Adult, Ecchi, English, Hentai, Manga, Mature, Supernatural

TMDb: 7.9

Thời lượng: 26/??

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